I enter my purchase code, I have an error message:
Your purchase code appears to be invalid. Please take special care to enter it correctly without accidentally including spaces or other additional characters. Please note, you can’t activate LayerSlider with your theme’s purchase code. This also can be a temporary issue in our services. In that case please try it again in a few hours.
how to do please ?
(My theme is 4.0.7 version)
Hey deamon54,
Your purchase code for the theme is not the same as for the Layer Slider, it’s bundled with the theme. The only way to update the Layer Slider is to update theme, unless you want to purchase the stand alone version of it.
Best regards,
Thank you
Glad we could help. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.
Best regards,
you can close the topic :)
Glad we could help!
Please take a moment to review our theme and show your support https://themeforest.net/downloads
Please bookmark Enfold Documentation for future reference.
Thank you for using Enfold :)
Best regards,