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  • #951617

    I have been using Enfold for sometime – and update the theme regularly.

    However, since around November 2017 up until the latest version from 3rd May 2018 – there has been problems using the Gravity Forms plugin with Enfold.
    The problem is that the visual editor (and sometimes the text/HTML editor) in Gravity Forms is not accessible or just blank even when text is in there – making editing or adding GF notifications a nightmare.

    I have a coder that works on many of my sites for custom coding jobs I need doing – so I asked him to look at the issue as I noticed that if I changed to a different theme other than Enfold, GF worked fine.

    After an hour he found the problem and said there were a few bugs in Enfold – that particularly effected the Gravity Forms editor.

    He added some code to my child themes functions.php to resolve the bugs and now Gravity Forms works perfectly.

    The code he added was:

    function ww_remove_enfold_ls(){
        global $pagenow;
        if (( $pagenow == 'admin.php' ) && isset($_GET['page']) && isset($_GET['subview'])) {
            if(($_GET['page'] == 'gf_edit_forms') && ($_GET['subview'] == 'notification')){
                remove_filter('mce_buttons', 'ls_register_mce_buttons');
                remove_filter('mce_external_plugins', 'ls_register_mce_js');
    add_action('init', 'ww_remove_enfold_ls', 999);

    I am sharing this here just incase others are having the same problem that I have been having using Gravity Forms.

    It has now made life so much easier.

    If this could be added as an update to the theme it would save adding this code manually.

    I hope this helps.

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by wagwag.

    Hey wagwag,

    Thank you very much for sharing it!
    We hope others find it also interesting.

    Best regards,

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