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  • #808727

    I have the latest enfold v4.0.7, latest woocommerce v3.0.8, and I have try very hard with bookings v1.9.5 (I try and v1.4.9) and the HOTEL demo. I have make bookable product with Minimum duration 30 days and Maximum duration 180 days..
    The problem is no matter how many days over the 30 days I chose.. on the product booking form it calculate the totals OK but when you make booking on cart its only charge the Minimum of duration, no matter how many day you have choose.
    1 day cost 3 euro
    Minimum duration 30 days
    Maximum duration 180 days
    From product form I am choosing to book for 32,35,50,60 days .. X 3euro a day, on the booking form calculate the right total.. but no matter how many days I have choose.., on cart it showing the correct amount of days booked but its only charge the Minimum duration of 30 days x 3euro.. always 90
    Problem example Link:

    Please advise.. Thank you Kostas

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by iamtheo777444765867989089fffhjhgtt. Reason: Example 1 day cost 3 euro Minimum duration 30 days Maximum duration 180 days From product form I am choosing to book for 32,35,50,60 days .. X 3euro a day, on the booking form calculate the right total.. but no matter how many days I have choose.., on cart it showing the correct amount of days booked but its only charge the Minimum duration of 30 days x 3euro.. always 90 Problem example Link:

    Hey iamtheo777444765867989089fffhjhgtt,

    Please, I`ve checked your dashboard, but the credentials are wrong. May you check it?

    Best regards,
    John Torvik


    What credentials you mean?


    Ihope you mean http://ftp.. details


    hold.. I have to make it fresh installetion.. I let you know the results..



    Thank you for that Kostas, we appreciate it.

    Best regards,

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