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  • #921397

    Sorry, I´m having problems again.

    There is two problems showing when entering the first page on my site (
    1. I´ve added the code in quick css:
    @media only screen and (max-width: 990px) {
    .only_desktop { display: none !important; }}
    and added only_desktop in i 1/4 column. The column seems to disappear but there is still a small “gap” showing. (see attached image)

    2. On the swedish site this is ok, but when entering the english and the german sites the images “shrinks” (only on portrait.) I´ve tried to look for the problem but I have no idea why they are behaving like this. (see attached image.) Not all images – only two of them.
    (And of course, problem 1 is appearing here aswell.).

    Thank you!

    Regards Johan


    Hey Johan,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Please remove the modifications and the special css class attribute. Edit the column then go to the Screen Options panel. You’ll find new options to toggle the visibility of the element on different screen size and device.

    Best regards,



    I´ve tried that already, thats why I went for the css solution. Using the visibility options didn´t work, it shows on portrait anyway.
    To clarify, the css code was only for problem 1.

    Any ideas for problem 2? =)

    Regards Johan



    What is the actual model of your iPad and its screen resolution? The following thread might help.


    Best regards,



    it´s a new model and I´m already using that code. That thread is me. =D

    Regards Johan



    So, lets close that one and keep the other one open! :D

    Best regards,

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