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  • #357841

    After all the last updates, no products can be updated, not the description nor the images. When I change it to WordPress’s 2014 there is no problem updating both things. I turned off all the plugins except woocommerce and it didn’t help, this is why I am sure that the problem is the Enfold Theme.


    I found out some interesting things:
    1. in the product update page, there was a problem loading jQuery, the debugger showed: ncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
    2. I defined in wp-config.php define(‘SCRIPT_DEBUG’, true); and it solved the problem.

    Am I supposed to turn it off? Does it give you a hint of the problem?



    You need to update Enfold to 3.0.4, your currently using 3.0.2. Also, I noticed your getting a few javascript errors on your front end which are related to a plugin.

    Go ahead and do that and let us know what happens.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Elliott.
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