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  • #535036

    I have developed a site using Enfold to replace a live site ( using the temporary URL When I finished development, I pointed the domain at the user account and in due course going to took me to my new Enfold site.

    Initially all was well except that the URL address bar in the browser was showing when navigating the site. I fixed this by amending the two occurrences of this URL in the WordPress database table wp-options (table rows siteurl and home). Initially all was well but all the internal links to images etc. are still using the old URL

    I realise that I can edit the SQL export dump from the database to change all these and then import the edited SQL, but I also found occurrences of just user52791 in other table entries. However I now have a problem in that I cannot get into the WordPress dashboard at, a bunch of error messages appears and the web hosting support people say it is the theme causing this. These errors seem to feature the ‘user52791’ string.

    Can you advise? Please let me know what private data you require. Your advice as to what to do next would be appreciated – basically I am locked out of the dashboard now. Would changing out the occurrences of user52791 in the database to juliahookdesigns solve the problem?


    I have amended the databse to use theme twentyfifteen so that I can login as admin, so the error messages mentioned above will not appear now. I think that the following rows in table wp-options may be the occurrences of ‘user52791’ that are causing problems:-

    (40, ‘recently_edited’, ‘a:3:{i:0;s:62:”/web1/user52791/website/wp-content/themes/enfold/functions.php”;i:2;s:58:”/web1/user52791/website/wp-content/themes/enfold/style.css”;i:3;s:0:””;}’, ‘no’),

    (82, ‘uninstall_plugins’, ‘a:2:{s:94:”web1/user52791/website/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-layerslider/LayerSlider/layerslider.php”;s:29:”layerslider_uninstall_scripts”;s:30:”backup-wp/backup-wordpress.php”;s:20:”sns_backup_uninstall”;}’, ‘no’)

    (998, ‘frmsvr_last_folder’, ‘/web1/user52791/website/wp-content/uploads’, ‘yes’),


    Hi folks,
    Has anyone had a chance to look at this for me yet? :-)


    Just to keep you updated: Have now activated Enfold again because I received an email saying the latest version of Enfold is out.
    Using the username and API key I have applied changes. We can now get into the WordPress admin screen but the error messages remain on the live site.


    These are the error messages
    Warning: session_start(): open(/home/user51483/sessions/sess_c905adfd4e982b3546584556ae9c27a9, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in /web1/user52791/website/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/masonry_entries.php on line 32

    Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter – headers already sent (output started at /web1/user52791/website/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/masonry_entries.php:32) in /web1/user52791/website/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/masonry_entries.php on line 32

    Also having issues navigating the menu system – getting Not Found everwhere


    Just noticed that the first error message looks as if Enfold is trying to open a sessions file for another user – user51483! My account is user52791. Where could Enfold pick up user51483 from? Help!



    I suppos that, based on a different user that you get the error, it is actually a server hosting issue.
    There some conflict, that is why you do see that.

    Where are you hosted? Can you let us know the details your hosting provider told you, about the issue?

    Best regards,

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