Depuis la nouvelle mise à jour de WordPress 5.5.1 les fonctionnalités d’ ENFOLD ne sont plus du tout accessible. Toutes les fonctionnalités sur la partie de gauche ont disparu ” Mise en page général , Style général ” etc …. Je reste bloqué sur la 1er page … Auriez vous une solution ?
Merci d’avance
Hey ben67117,
For the lost Theme Options menu, that is because WordPress 5.5 has removed jQuery migrate which is used by Enfold and below.
To temporarily fix this, you can install and activate this plugin: Enable jQuery Migrate Helper
This issue is addressed in the latest version of Enfold (if you plan to update now then make a backup first), once updated you can safely remove the plugin unless it’s other plugins also use jQuery Migrate file.
Best regards,
Hi ben67117,
As for the warnings showed by Enable jQuery Migrate Helper plugin those are the specific files that use jQuery Migrate however that can be fixed by updating to the latest version of Enfold, then most likely you’ll need to flush out the cache and you should be able to safely remove the plugin.
With regards to Yoast SEO, is it updated to the latest version?
Best regards,