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  • #1219082


    immonex kickstart zeigt immobilien nach open-immo-standard an.
    es gibt sowohl auf der listenansicht, als auch in der detailansicht
    ein problem in der darstellung.

    die ursache ist die /wp-content/themes/enfold/js/shortcodes.js
    sobald die deaktiviert wird, läuft slider, hover usw. leider sind dann
    aber auch nötige funktionen inaktiv.

    gibt es die möglichkeit das zu fixen?

    bis dann, marco.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by netztaucher. Reason: Typo fixed

    Hey netztaucher,

    Can you please explain a bit more about what the issue is? It is not very clear which part is not working.

    Können Sie bitte etwas mehr darüber erklären, worum es geht? Es ist nicht ganz klar, welcher Teil nicht funktioniert.

    Best regards,


    hi victoria,

    here is a list of irems – custom post types. they are from an plugin.
    the maintainer of the plugin blocked the shortcode.js for thest.

    then is the hover of an image o.k.

    and the detail page shows the slider correctly

    but the shortcode.js is neccessary for the rest, right?

    my question is: it’s a bug, where do i report this, who will fix this?

    bis dann, marco.


    Hi Marco,

    Please try adding following code to Quick CSS

    .uk-active > a {
        display: contents;

    Best regards,


    hi yigit,

    thank you. it fixed the problem on detail.

    what about the glitch on hovering one item on overview?

    bis dann, marco.


    Hi Marco,

    You are welcome! Though, I am not sure I understand the second issue. Could you please elaborate? :)

    Best regards,


    The overview (1) shows all Items. I hover them, the thumnail swipes down.
    The demo (2) shows it correct.
    I think it is an error, the maintainer of the plugin said it is an error.

    bis dann, marco.


    Hi Marco,

    It seems like this issue is only present in Chrome, is that correct?
    Please try adding following code to Quick CSS as well

    .inx-property-list-item>a {
        display: contents!important;

    Best regards,

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