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  • #1462373

    im Juli 2020 bin ich bei dem Anbieter Total GPL per Zufall auf Ihr WP Theme Enfold gestoßen, und weil ich es interessant fand, habe ich es einfach mal gekauft.
    Seit Februar 2022 ist es im Einsatz. Leider konnte und kann ich es nicht updaten, was sicherlich längst nötig wäre, weil ich von Total GPL keinen item Purchase Code dazu erhalten wurde. Das hat mich damals nicht gestört, da ich von dessen Notwendigkeit für Support keine Ahnung hatte.
    Meine Enfold Version ist 5.01.
    Nachdem ich seit gestern keinen Advanced Layout Button mehr habe, denke ich, es wird dringend Zeit, mein Enfold auf den neuesten Stand zu bringen und Zugang zum Support zu bekommen.
    Was muss ich dazu tun, um an ein Update zu kommen?


    Hey Akea,

    If you can’t get access to the account which was used to purchase your theme license, then I would suggest that you buy your own license. Otherwise you will have this problem every time you want to update or access the theme files. Once you have access to the theme files, then please update to Enfold 6.0.2:

    Also please follow this in order to register your theme license:

    Best regards,


    Hello Rikard,
    ich habe jetzt bei Envato eine neue Lizenz von Enfold gekauft und einen Item Purchase Code erhalten. Wenn ich den in der WP-Site unter Enfold Theme Optionen in das Feld “Gib einen gültigen Envato-Schlüssel ein” eingebe, erhalte ich folgende Fehlermeldung:

    “Das letzte Mal, als wir deinen Schlüssel überprüft haben, konnten wir keine Verbindung zu Envato herstellen:
    Auf Einkäufe konnte nicht zugegriffen werden
    Auf Benutzername konnte nicht zugegriffen werden (wird nur zu deiner Information benötigt)
    Auf E-Mail konnte nicht zugegriffen werden (wird nur zu deiner Information benötigt)
    Es traten folgende Fehler auf:
    Einkäufe: Dein privater Schlüssel ist ungültig.
    username Dein privater Schlüssel ist ungültig.
    email Dein privater Schlüssel ist ungültig.
    Einkäufe: Auf deine Einkäufe kann nicht zugegriffen werden Es kann nicht geprüft werden, ob Aktualisierungen vorliegen.”

    WAS NUN?


    Hi Rikard,
    mittlerweile habe ich herausgefunden, wie ich aus dem Item Purchase Code ein Personal Token generiere. Das akzeptiert WP Enfold nun auch als richtig!
    Jetzt fehlt nur noch ein Klick auf Theme-Update und ich bin fertig. Dachte ich. Aber es passiert nichts, bis auf eine Meldung die besagt: ”
    Keine Aktualisierung verfügbar. Du verwendest die letzte Version! (5.0.1)”
    Das kann ja wohl nicht richtig sein!?
    Was NUN?
    Ich brauche meine WP-Site dringend funktionsfähig!!
    Danke für die Lösung meines Problems im Voraus.


    Thank you for your patience, I believe that your current version 5.01 had an issue back when it was released, and as I recall you will need to manually update it, and now that you have a working Token future updates will update correctly.
    To update your version of Enfold you will need to download the latest installable WP version from your Theme Forest account and upload it to your WordPress ▸ Appearance ▸ Themes ▸ Add Themes ▸ Add New
    after you choose the zip file and click install, you will see a This theme is already installed message because you are updating, you can continue
    then you will see the Theme updated successfully message.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,
    thanks for your answer. One question though: Can I be sure I do not destroy my content when updating manually?


    I was reading you post again and it look like you wrote that you bought the theme from “Total GPL” this would be a “nulled” version of the theme.
    The only legal place to buy the theme is at Theme Forest, so this will explain why you can not update it, because “Total GPL” removed the update feature, so you will need to purchase a legal license here and then manually update as I posted above.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,
    when I bought Enfold from Total GPL I had no idea, that they did not sell me a proper version. They did not mention that and I had no reason to be suspicious. It sat there on the shelf and and I liked it and bought it. If you buy something at your local supermarket, would you give it a second thought? You buy what you like.
    So today I bought another version from Envato and thought all my problems were solved.
    Anyway, I only want to the be sure, that I don’t destroy anything when I update Enfold manually – .never did that before. I’m a user with some experience but by far no expert. And I know from experience surprising things can happen. :-( There’s very much time andn work involved in my site, so destroying it would be a nightmare.
    Can I update Enfold manually without having to worry about the site not working properly afterwards?
    You are the expert! Is the process really, really safe?
    Thanks for enlightening me!
    Best wishes,


    Hi Günter,

    I would suggest that you keep a backup of your site first of all, there are plugins for that and you might even be able to do that via your hosting provider. Then I would recommend that you upload the new theme files in a separate folder via FTP, you could name the new folder enfold-new for example. After the new files have been uploaded then you could rename the old theme folder to enfold-old for example, and the new folder to only enfold. That would activate the new version of the theme and you could check if everything is ok on your site. If not, then you can easily reverse the naming of the folders. You can export the theme settings as well before you start this process, please check under Enfold->Import/Export. If the theme settings should not apply after you have activated the new version, then you import the settings that you exported.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    thanks a lot!
    Enjoy your day,



    Thanks for the update. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic, or if we can close it.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ricard,
    everything seems to work fine after the update. Well, nearly everything. I do have a big problem, though. Since I updated, I can’t use the Advanced Layout Editor properly. The layout of the page is scrambled, the sidestrip is gone.
    What can I do?

    Scrambled Editor Page


    Thanks for the screenshot, I have not seen anything like this before so wee will need to login and check, but first you will need to use your new license to register for the support forum and open a new thread so we can help further.
    Currently this post is using the contact form which is not appropriate for support questions like this, we are glad could help you so far, but we ask that you use the support forum for further support.
    Thank you for understanding and using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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