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  • #380515

    I purchased the theme “enfold”. It is installed but I have a problem with the menu (left). I wish the site in English and my menu should contain this choice : Home, Portfolio, About and Contact. But the theme translates for me automatically “Home” to “Accueil” (french)! Can you help me ?


    In Dashbord > Menu > “your menu”
    there is a “title navigation” that you can use to change without changin the adresse of the link

    You can change the “title of navigation” from “Accueil” to “Home” to view on the site the word “Home”

    Tu peux changer le “titre de la navigation” de “Accueil” à “Home” pour afficher dans le site le mot “Home”


    Hi Begrafiks,
    thank you for your reply. Look at my capture, I have already done what you are saying. Without success.



    Do you mind creating a temporary admin login and posting it here privately?


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    This reply has been marked as private.




    Menu options are not being saved. Please try to increase following

    php_value 8000
    php_value suhosin.request.max_vars 8000


    Best regards,


    Sorry, I don’t understand. Can you fix my bug?



    You are going to need to ask your service provider to increase the limits on php.ini file. We are not able to see and/or edit the file.

    Best regards,


    Ok. Where’s php.ini file ?

    In PhpMyAdmin, WordPress, FTP ???



    Please refer to this post –
    It could be easier if you contact your service provider and they make the changes for you.

    Best regards,


    Thank you for your response.

    But the bug comes from the theme. With other theme I have not this problem.

    It is not normal that I can not change the title of my menu with our theme !

    I saw an update of the theme ” Enfold “, the bug is fixed ?

    It’s a Big problem for me.




    There is a plugin called WordPress Reset on the plugins panel. Did you reset the database? Looks like, you can’t set the theme locations of the menus. If you did reset the database, I’m sorry but you need to recreate the site from scratch.



    Thank you but I’ve done it (2 times) before to contact you and the problem persists.
    I regret having trusted Enfold. I spent a lot of time trying to solve this problem … I find Enfold Theme very expensive with this big problem !
    It is not normal that you can not solve this problem. Disappointment!



    We’re very sorry that you’re having this issue. So, you did reset the database? Why? Is it possible for you to create a stage site with a fresh install of WordPress? We would like to install Enfold there and see if the issue persist. Please kindly ask your hosting provider the current version of PHP.



    As I told you I recreated the site from zero 2 times. I do not understand what you are saying. Can you explain me step by step how to change the word “Accueil” Please. This should not be as complicated.




    It should be easily editable on Appearance > Menus panel. Just change the Navigation Label to something else. The problem is, it’s not working on your installation. It seems to be stuck to the old menu. We don’t know why. I’ll ask the rest of the support team to take a look.




    Your login is not working for me. You can use this as a quick fix.

    .avia_mega > li:first-child > a:before {
      color: black !important;
      content: "Home";
    .avia_mega > li:first-child > a {
      color: white !important;

    I would try deleting the menu and create a new one as well as deleting the page and recreating it to see what happens.

    Best regards,

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