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  • #994287

    Hello good day!

    We have a problem with the images of the gallery on this website

    In the homepage, under the slider, in the Masonry Gallery below, you will see that when you click on the images the image opens with your route and not on the site as before.

    We have tried to delete the Enfold folder and download the latest update and upload it again via FTP, but the problem still exists.

    I indicate administrator accesses by private.

    Thank you very much!



    Thanks for the login details. Nothing seems to happen when I click the images on my end, is that the problem you are having? Did you try to activate the lightbox in the ¿Enlace de la imagen? option?

    Best regards,


    Sorry Ricard, the client put the Lightbox disabled. I have activated it so that you see the error.

    Let’s see if you can tell us what can happen with the functionality.




    You have the header.php file in your child theme, it needs to be updated with a fresh copy and then your customizations done on top of it.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Hello Victoria, I do not know what to change in the header.php to make it work. You can help?

    Thank you!


    I have directly deleted the file and it worked. Anyway I copy you privately the contents of the file header.php so you can tell me what is wrong and can incorporate it again.

    Thank you very much!



    I’ve compared the code you gave with the header.php of the latest version of Enfold and there are a lot of difference, if you’re using a child theme, you can copy header.php from the latest version and just get the script above the


    in the code you posted and place it again on the same place. Hope this helps.

    Best regards,

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