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  • #898479

    Hi, I have entered a “start here” page as front page trough Enfold and trough settings->reading-> homepage but then when I visit my website I see only the page without the widgets and the main menu, what can I do?

    My website is


    Hey Raffaello1996,

    I’m able to see the main menu and footer widgets on the link you posted. Did you still need help with this issue?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    HI yes because it doesn’t work every time, try to delete your internet chronology and try a few times if it works every time please. Sometimes it works fine others don’t



    Have you tried disabling active plugins to see if this issue resolves?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Yes already done


    Hi Raffaello1996,

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look?

    Best regards,


    Yeah sure. Thank you



    Thanks for that. I’m not sure why but it looks fine once I’m logged in, and even after that. Not when I first looked at the page though, do you know if you hosting provider is applying any cache?

    Best regards,


    Hi, sorry for the late reply but for about a week I haven’t had any problem with the menu but today I have had the same problem, I cannot see the menu as explained before, can you maybe check my website again? I’m desperate and don’t know what to do anymore. Thanks

    Yeah exactly the error appears only the first time that you visit the website.


    Do you have any idea how to solve it?


    Hi Raffaello1996,

    Hm… Credentials did not work for me. Could you please update the credentials? Can you disable caching and minification for now?

    Best regards,


    Sorry I forgot that I changed the password, here are my username and password. Can you please try to disable caching and minification for me? I don’t know how to do it?

    Which code?


    Hi, can anyone please help me?



    We are very sorry for the late response. The home page looks fine on my end. Please note that you have to set the front or home page in the Enfold > Theme Options panel. Please reset the Settings > Reading options to default.

    Best regards,


    Hi have already done that, is it possible that I’m the only one to have this problem? I’m trying to resolve it from weeks, I’m hopeless…



    I don’t see any issue with the “Start Here” page. How do you expect it to look? (see private field)

    Best regards,


    Hi, it should appear like this, click on the link to see the picture: but if you visit for the first time (try to reset your broswer history and visit my website) it will appear like this, you’ll see only the start here page without the menu, widgets ecc, click here to see the image
    I think it has something to do with the speed of my website, because when I activate a SpeedSite tool to make my website faster it is much more likely to show this problem. Thank you.


    Hi Raffaello1996,

    Looks fine on my end now.

    Could you please clear the cache and if you can, check in incognito mode in chrome, check again and get back to us.

    Best regards,


    Hi, I have tried and how I said before, it doesn’t always show the error, sometimes it works others don’t. For example, I tried two times and although the first time was good the second time It didn’t show the main menu.
    I think it’s a problem with the “start here page” and the frontpage settings because the other pages work perfectly, I’m really the only one that has this problem? I loose many visitors because of that.



    Thank you for the update. I would like to check it again but the login credentials are no longer working. Please try to use a different plugin like WP Super Cache or WP Rocket.

    Best regards,


    Here you find the new password

    I have tried both with the terminal and with a wp plugin to delete the chace but still I have this problem
    Please now is more than two weeks that I’m trying to resolve this problem, I’m loosing many visitors because of that

    Please is there a way to have support in a different way? For example chat? The forum it’s too slow, this is going on for more than twoo weeks and I’m loosing to many clients because of this, please I need to fix this thing faster because is really limiting my website.



    Thank you for the update. I’m sorry but we can’t reproduce the issue. The menu is visible on initial load and it’s still visible after multiple refresh. If you’re experiencing the issue after installing a particular plugin, please contact the plugin author for more info.


    Best regards,


    Hi, it has been resolved with my host provider, thank you anyway.




    Great, glad you got it working. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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