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  • #320365

    Site is on 2.7 WP3.9
    There is one page that features:
    1/1 Container within which there is in the following order:
    1 text block
    1 whitespace divider
    6 Team “containers” (plain text, no social icons or pictures)

    With addition of new staff, new placeholders are being added and hierarchy has had to be reshuffled (by dragging the placeholders to the new proper position).
    The issue is that as soon as a new empty Team placeholder is added, another one disappears; it seems that we can’t get more than 6 placeholders on the page.
    Calling up an previous version/ revision does not bring back the team member that has been removed.
    However when we look into the WP database the data definitely is there.

    The obvious workaround would be to use a plain text box to override the buggy functionality, but we do like the styling of the Team Member section.

    Appreciate your help in coping with this error



    Addendum: we just went through the database entry and we noticed that in a couple of cases the [/av_textblock] code was missing.
    We corrected the post directly in the database but the page still does not display properly: out of 8 entries only 6 are showing both in the back-end and in the proper page display.

    Addendum n.2: We were now able to overcome the issue by creating separate 1/4 sections and by placing each team member in one of the sections, which could imply that one containing section must be created for each Team Member.

    Thank you


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by UncleGroOve.

    Hey Paul!

    Glad you managed to work it out. It’s worth noting that you could have made these fixes via debug mode:

    Best regards,


    Hello Josue – thank you for that pointer!
    I was not able to locate this piece of code
    if(isset($avia_config['use_child_theme_functions_only'])) return;
    in the functions-enfold.php file?



    It is located on functions.php, not functions-enfold.php.


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