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  • #1090906

    Hi there,
    I already searched for a solution, but didi not find anything. I have the problem that my symbol list in the second column is not showing correctly. The symbol list in the first column works fine, bute the second one is not showing the right color of the symbols and the text like in the first one. When I switch them lists from column to column it stays the same. Only the first one works.

    As I am pretty helpless, I would appreciate some help from you. Also this is my first topic here, what other information should I provide?



    Hey Yascha,

    Sorry for the problem, we are aware of it and it will be fixed in the next release of the theme. If you want to fix it yourself before that then please refer to this thread: https://kriesi.at/support/topic/possible-css-rendering-bug-in-4-5-5/

    Best regards,


    Thanks, that worked. When you release the next Updat will I have to redo this or can I just update?


    Hi einfachrosa,

    There’s no ETA yet but it would most likely be released this month.
    For now just tweak it in the Enfold theme files, when the update is available you shouldn’t worry about it. :)

    Best regards,

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