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  • #1239988

    when i change category product in producter slider : sliders doesnt work anymore :
    message appear : “Aucun produit ne correspond à votre sélection” means ” no product in this category”

    could you help me please ?

    wp 5.5
    php 7.3.20


    Hey pikachul,

    Are you sure that there are products in the category in question? Otherwise the slider has nothing to show. If I’m misunderstanding you then please try to explain a bit further and provide us with details so that we can see and reproduce the problem.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Rikard.

    Hello Rikard
    when i made this website 2 months ago
    i built page with product slider on differents pages
    Now : i need to change somes pages and change somes categores in product slider/grid(same problem by the way)
    After changes :
    – there are products in category “accessoires”
    – Catergory is active in back
    – slider products or grid products doesnt appear on page



    Hi Ulrich,

    Thanks for the update, please send us a temporary WordPress admin login and login URL so that we can have a closer look. You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Thanks for the login details and sorry for the late reply. I see the problem on your actual site, but I can’t reproduce it on a local installation. The Product Grid element is working without any problems when I try it there. Could you try to disable all plugins except WooCommerce, to see if that makes any difference please?

    Best regards,


    hello Rikaard
    i tried to disable all plugins
    except woocommerce
    but sliders product doesnt work !


    Hello Rikard
    could you help me please : clients are very angry now : i need to fix products sliders !



    Alloooooooo ?



    We are sorry for the late reply!

    As it turns out, we have been looking for a technical solution all this time while it was simpler than that.
    Product Slider > Filter > WooCommerce Hidden Products visibility setting was set to display hidden products only that is why it was not displaying any products. Setting it back to “Show all products” fixed the issue.

    Please review your website :)

    Best regards,


    Hi there, Bonjour,
    Same here, but cant find the “Product Slider > Filter > WooCommerce Hidden Products ” : where is it ? In the theme options ? Woocommerce options ?
    Thank you
    Pikachul : tu peux m’aider ? Je m’arrache les cheveux avec ce truc :)



    Hi Raphael,

    Please open a new thread and include WordPress admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look at your site.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard
    i dont find the way : Product Slider > Filter > WooCommerce Hidden Products
    where is it, please ?


    Salut Raphael, je ne trouve pas non plus
    ils abusent…


    Hello there,

    I’m also having issues with my Shop cart. It was working yesterday and now it goes no where. I don’t have a page to add where it’s supposed to go which I never did before. Do I need to reset my Enfold Shop Options? Please advise thanks!


    If I hide all products then it works and they show in product sliders (or product grid). But then my shop is empty…. :( Can you please tell us where we can found this option in your theme, and why it doesn’t work properly anymore (it was working couple days ago.). We probably did something wrong in the theme options, but then it also means that the options are note phrased the right way for us to understand

    Thank you Rikard ! Thank you Yigit ! I’m sure you have a solution for this issue !


    Hi there
    could you help us ???????

    salut Raphael
    as tu fini par trouvé ?


    Please ! let us know where this options ?
    i read this post on august 22 ! soon we are in 2021 !



    We are sorry for the late reply!

    When I logged in, I switched profile language to English so we were unable to locate the issue but when I switched profile language back to French, I found out “Show all products” option was missing due to translation error. I installed Loco Translate plugin and translated “Show only hidden products” string as “Afficher uniquement les produits cachés” using Google Translate and now option shows up correctly.

    Could you please confirm if translation is correct so we can update French language file in upcoming version?

    We are sorry the solution took this long :)

    Best regards,


    i only want the location “Product Slider > Filter > WooCommerce Hidden Products” dont worry for the translation !
    this option is ?
    – enfold configuration ?.
    woocommerce configuration ?
    the best way is to take a picture of your screen

    could you take it



    Please edit your Product Slider element and go to – There was 2 options before so it was automatically set to “Display hidden products only” in French version however when adding translation, correct option shows.

    Could you please share French translation of “Show hidden products only” with us? :)

    Best regards,



    Okay thank you it works for me…. at last. That’s why it worked in the beginning, and didn’t work anymore when i updated the theme.

    Correct translations :
    “Show only hidden products » => “Afficher uniquement les produits cachés »
    “Show all products » => « Afficher tous les produits »

    Pikachul, la manip a marché pour moi : j’ai mis anglais pour la lange de WordPress (Réglages/Général), et du coup l’option « Show all products » était disponible et fonctionnel dans les options du diaporama produits. Ca veut donc dire qu’il faut attendre la prochaine mise à jour du thème pour pouvoir l’utiliser en Français….ou alors installer Loco pour forcer l’utilisation en français d’après ce qu’il dit




    Thanks a lot for your help :)

    I have translated the string on your installation so it should be showing up fine.

    I have updated French language files and they will be available in upcoming version.

    Once again, we are sorry for the inconvenience.

    Best regards,


    same here today : Products grid empty with message ”no product in this category”
    with latest version of Enfold theme, WooCommerce and WP
    please update french translation for next update


    translation in French “Masquer les controles video” is not good at all



    You can download updated French language files here – and then replace them in /enfold/lang/ folder via FTP.

    If you need our assistance, please start a new thread under Enfold sub forum and attach FTP logins in private content field :)

    Best regards,


    Thks for your quick help



    You are welcome!

    Could you please let us know how “Masquer les controles video” translation could be improved so we can update that string as well? :)

    Best regards,


    my mistake, “Masquer les controles video” is not present in your latest po/mo files



    If there is anything else we can help with, please let us know :)

    Best regards,

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