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  • #1330575

    When I am on the Enfold advanced page builder and want to preview my home page, it opens a page that is months old. While for other pages it works fine. I cleared the cache and it doesn’t change anything
    There is this message that appears when I click on edit homepage:
    “there is a newer registered version for this page”

    Do you know how to solve this problem? Thank you!


    Hey kelem138,
    I have not seen the message: there is a newer registered version for this page from any Enfold site before, I’m certain this message is not from Enfold, it looks like you are using a cache plugin swift performance I assume this is where the message is from, try disabling this plugin and clear your browser cache to see if this resolves.
    If you have a server cache then clear it also.

    Best regards,


    Thank you for your answer.
    Unfortunately, even after clearing the browser cache and deactivating the plugin (I don’t have a server cache), I get the same message with the same problem (only on the home page)

    Is there any other solution?


    Does this only concern the “preview” of the page and not the actual page? Meaning that you only see the old version in preview, but if you save and publish your changes show on the actual published page? Perhaps try clearing the old revisions.

    Best regards,

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