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  • #433326

    Dear Support Staff,

    I have the Side Navigation aligned with the following code on the left:

    .sidebar_left.sidebar {text-align: left;}
    #top .sidebar_left .widget ul {text-align: left;}
    #top .sidebar_left .widget_nav_menu ul ul li:before {left: 0;}

    I have this code found in Enfold support.
    Now, unfortunately, is the mouseover no longer correct (offset).

    There are the following website

    I thank you for the help!
    Best Regards

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by LorbeerDesign.

    Hey LorbeerDesign!

    Can you please post a screenshot and show the issue?



    Hello Yigit,

    Here’s a screenshot of navigation with an explanation.


    The problem is, unfortunately, in all browsers.

    Thanks for the help and best wishes!



    I see now. Please add following code to Quick CSS

    #top .sidebar_left .widget_nav_menu ul ul li:before {
      z-index: -1;



    Hello Yigit,

    it worked :-) I thank you very much for the help!

    One question I have: Is it be possible to show the 2nd level in the side navigation, so that initially only the first navigation points shown?

    Like for example here:

    Thank you!



    It is not possible to display child menu items in dropdown, but if you would not like to show them, please add following code to Quick CSS

    #top .sidebar_left .widget_nav_menu .sub-menu { display: none; }

    If that was not what you meant, please post a screenshot and show the changes you would like to make or elaborate on the example site :)



    Hi Yigit,

    everything worked great :-)
    Thanks for the excellent support!

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