Hi I cant get my mailchimp-popup to work. If I insert the code on the frontside the slider dissapers, but still no popup, and when I try one of the other sides, nothing happens.
Please help.
Hey kvindenskraft,
Thank you for using Enfold.
Did you try the code inside a code or a text block element? What do you mean by “frontside”?
Best regards,
Thanks! I tried inside a code block. When I inset the code to a text block, the code is vsible on the website.
Frontside is my welcome page: http://www.kaerlighedenskraft.dk/
All the best, Pernille.
The default popup script is not going to work unless you put it right after the closing body tag but there is an alternative script that you can use. We created a test page for it. (see private field)
Reference: https://gist.github.com/nickcernis/3df74c0c6c18b75cb951
Make sure to remove cookies or browser cache before testing it. Or use another browser.