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  • #798546

    Hi, I am writing a post(main post) which is a list of other posts.
    Each post listed in the main post is titled with H2 title and the title is hyperlinked to the post.

    The problem is that when i see the main post preview I see two thing which I do not like:
    – H2 titles have no upper and lower space, so the text is all compressed
    – H2 title do not show any evidence of the hyperlink (secondary color, underline, etc…

    see the file I linked below for an example.

    How can I change the format of H2 to show the hyperlink and give some space above?



    Hey massimobr,

    Yes, you can do this with Quick CSS in General Styling. Please use something like this code:

    .single-post .entry-content h2 {
       margin-top: 15px;
       margin-bottom: 15px;
       color: red;
       text-decoration: underline;

    Please adjust the values as needed.
    If you need further help, please provide us with the link to the page in question so we can give a more accurate code.

    Best regards,


    hi, thanks for the tip but that’s not exactly what I need.

    with your CSS, all H2 in all posts become red and underlined. I do not want this. I just want to become alt color and underlined those with an hyperlink as any other text does

    what can I do?



    You can use this instead:

    .single-post .entry-content h2 {
       margin-top: 15px;
       margin-bottom: 15px;
    .single-post .entry-content h2 a {
       color: red !important;
       text-decoration: underline !important;

    Is that better? :)

    Best regards,


    it is not exactly what i need. see the linked file… it does not look fine.
    also, how can I change color? i d not want red, i want instead #2195f3



    You can adjust the code I gave you depending on your exact preferences. Based on the color you just gave, the code will be like this.

    .single-post .entry-content h2 {
       margin-top: 15px;
       margin-bottom: 15px;
    .single-post .entry-content h2 a {
       color: #2195f3 !important;
       text-decoration: underline !important;

    You can also change the value of the margins to be what you want.

    If you need further help, please specify what you exactly want, and also give us a link to your page so we can see how our code adjusts your page.

    Best regards,


    Thank you sarah, I will try again.
    the page is but the post i am talking about it is not published yet.




    Thanks for the feedback. It’s difficult to help you out unless we can’t actually see the items you want to change, so if you could publish the post it would help.

    Best regards,


    Hi, It’s perfect now!
    thanks so much.
    the link is:

    by the way I have another question: is there any chance to have the ‘category view’ with all posts collapsed with short text and ‘read more’…. rather than this view with comlete dispay?
    is it also possible to revert the post order? most recent below and older above?
    this is the view:




    glad we could help. Let us know in a new ticket if you have some more questions related to the theme. We are happy to assist you.

    Best regards,

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