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  • #993947

    I am having an issue with Google Maps after installing a SSL Certificate to my page.
    After SSL encryption I generated a new API Key via Google.
    The Theme I am using is Enfold Child, running at version 4.4.1.

    Now the issue I am getting is following:
    The map is working for just one click after installing the new API key.
    By refreshing the page it shows following:
    “Google Maps wurde auf dieser Seite nicht richtig geladen. Technische Details dazu entnimmst du der JavaScript-Konsole.”
    If I re-generate another API, then it would last exactly once.

    can anyone help with this issue?

    Best regards,


    PS: I already tried to change the Enfold child functions.php but that had no effect.


    Hey Ruppenthal1601,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Did you enable the Geocoding Services API? Please refer to the documentation for more info.


    Best regards,


    I have similar problem.
    Map was working for a week. But yesterday it gave up.
    The information on the map is following:
    Oops! Something went wrong.
    This page didn’t load Google Maps correctly. See the JavaScript console for technical details.
    I tried to enter new Api Key in Enfold/Google services.
    It was accepted. It worked for first session. After gave error.
    Geocoding Services API are enebled.

    What I did before. I updated the wordpress and deleted all themes, beside enfold…




    The error says that you’ve exceeded the request quota for the current API. Did you set a usage limit and http referrer restrictions?

    You have exceeded your request quota for this API. See

    Best regards,


    Hey Ismael,

    Thanks a lot for your help.

    The problem was caused by Google, Not By enfold. One has to enable billing. The java script fail-Message disappears after billing is enabled and verified.

    You are doing an important and Great Job.
    Thanks for your Support!




    Now it is working.
    Generated new api key. Enabled billing. Added credit card nr…. to google.
    At least seems that real charging will start after one year.
    Yes, and take off all restriction for api key.

    Now the google know all about me…. even card numbers….
    C’est la vie…

    Best regards



    Glad it works now :)

    Best regards,

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