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  • #1114833

    we’re using your awesome enfold for our website. It’s based upon the “medical demo”.
    I found out on a mobile device the big header picture is covering a part of the main content. This happens ONLY on mobile devices – not on a PC when you change the browser-window to the smallest width.
    Do you have a idea where the problem is ? Thanks in andvance :-)


    Hey suppenhuhn,

    Thanks for the link, though I can’t see that happening on my end using Chrome on Iphone6. Could you post screenshots of the problem and how to reproduce it please?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    here is a screenshot :) Android 8 using brave browser – but it’s the same as using chrome

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by suppenhuhn.


    I see the same thing on my end when checking on an actual phone, I was using the Chrome emulation to check yesterday. Please try this in Quick CSS to see if it makes any difference:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .home .flex_column_table {
      margin-top:0 !important;

    Best regards,

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