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  • #1400392

    when I update my website from to enfold 5.4 my whole website is broken. Backend and Frontend: HTTP ERROR 500
    Whithin the Child Theme Options there was no update available, so I uploaded the enfold 5.4 data via FTP and renamed the theme folder “enfold-neu” to “enfold”. I use a Enfold Child Theme.
    To find out about the details instead of Enfold I activated a wordpress standard theme. Then there was no error. Also I deactivated all the plugins and activated then one by one. With the wordpess standard theme all went fine. But when I chance to enfold version 5.4 theme the error ist back. It seems that an error occurs with woocommerce plugin.
    PHP-Version is: 8.0.28
    Wordpress-Version: 6.1.1



    Could you please post FTP logins here privately as well?

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,
    I am sorry for my delayed answer. In the meantime I found out that not Enfold caused the problem. There was a problem with the memory-limit and PHP 8 of the website.
    Thank you.



    Thanks for the update.

    We are glad that you found out about the issue. Let us know if you have any other questions and enjoy the rest of your day!


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