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  • #967867


    I have a little problem with custom blog single post layout. Because the client needs something a bit more complicated than available in Enfold. And it’s not problem for me to do it with adv editor – but many options disappear than :/
    For ex: tags / date / author – also suggested articles.
    And there is one more problem – when I use standard single post layout there is no problem with excerpt (need for ex. under the post title on blog page) and when I use adv editor – excerpts disappeared.

    Is any solution for this?

    Thank You


    Hey kkax,

    Using the Layout Builder for post can both be a bit limiting but it can also be an advantage, when you are using the Layout Builder for posts then you will have to add all content to it manually using the Layout Builder, or your own code. The excerpt can be added to the excerpt field, if you don’t see then please select to show it in the Screen Options in the top right hand corner of the screen.

    Best regards,

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