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  • #345238

    If I use “>” in a button title text in Layout Bulider it seems to destroy the whole page. I can use instead of this “>” and the page is working. But only for a while. After (some) saving action in the Layout Bulider there is again a “>” sign in the title text of the button Builder and the view of this web-page is demaged …


    Hey Ulrich123!

    After you get done with editing the page try replacing the caret with this,


    But remove the slash.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Elliott.

    Sorry – as I wrote it works only for one time saving this post.
    If you are doing (later) something else in this post and you are saving next time the “>” demages the post …



    I’ll flag this for the rest of our team to see if they have an idea on what it could be. In the meantime I would just continue to switch it to &/#62; or &/gt; and resave after your done editing the page.

    Best regards,

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