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  • #372963

    Hi… and sorry if my English is not perfect ;)

    First, congratulations for this theme : powerful, beautiful and very easy to use !

    Unfortunately, I have problems with the setting “Single Post Options” —> “Single Post Style” —> “Single post with small preview image” (I use the black predefined color scheme).

    1/ A grey background appears under the “small preview image”. For example :

    2/ Moreover, sometimes the image is not centered :

    Is there something I can do for this ? It doesn’t look very good…

    Thanks !

    PS : The preview images are perfectly displayed in the blog layout (Mansory) :


    Update : thanks to the topic “Enfold showcase” I found exactly what I want :

    When you click on a post, the image is perfectly displayed (not resized, not squared and with a lightbox). I guess I have to change a setting, but which one ?


    OK, resolved.

    In fact when I chose “big preview image”, the image was huge in post ; that’s why I chose “small preview image”.
    But thanks to this topic it’s OK now.



    1. When you say grey background I think your referring to the image overlay when you hover over the image correct? Add this to your custom CSS to remove it.

    .image-overlay { background: transparent !important; }

    2. It looks centered on my end. Take a screenshot and highlight what your seeing.

    Best regards,


    Hi Elliott !
    Thanks for the the quick answer… and Happy New Year !

    When “small image preview” is activated, it looks like this (first image is a PNG logo : only the circle) :

    Same thing with your suggested “Custom CSS”.

    When “Big preview image” is selected, the image displayed is huge :

    BUT it looks OK with the following custom CSS :

    #top .fullsize .template-blog .big-preview img { width: auto!important; margin: 0 auto!important; }

    Cheers !



    It looks like you edited your post. So everything is fine now correct? Let us know if you have any other questions.

    Best regards,

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