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  • #1068279

    In page like Contact Us. I have not any pagination. but if i type url like this: it’s not show 404 page or server 404 status. And this is not good. how can solved this problem?

    Thank you


    Hey Mohammad Mostafa,

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look?

    Best regards,



    Please see private.


    Hi Yoursefzade,

    Thank you for that.

    Please disable the Custom Permalinks plugin and see if the issue remains.

    Best regards,



    I need this plugin for my new structure URL. This plugin do not cause this issues. Because in my other site language like Arabic and Russian that have not install this plugin have a same problem. please see link sample in other my site languages:

    I know when page number like page/32/ do not exist it’s should return 404 header status. But this is not happening.

    thank you.


    Hi Yoursefzade,

    I understand, but it is definitely a plugin conflict.

    Please deactivate all plugins one by one to check which one is causing this issue and let us know if this solves the problem.

    Also, please show us what you have in your .htaccess.

    Best regards,



    I’m install new WordPress without any additional plugin and activate Enfold theme.Then import Enfold 2017 Demo.
    I send information about it on private section. Please see it. Still problem with page number like page/32/ and do not return 404. You can access to my .htaccess file on new ftp account in this private section.This WordPress is for test please feel free for any changes you want to help me for solved this issues.

    Thank you.


    Hi Yoursefzade,

    Please refer to solutions in these threads:

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,



    I follow this topic above but not solved my problem. I see Enfold main demo 2017 have this issues at this link: this link is not 404. It’s seems a bug that happen in enfold theme.

    Please help me to solved this problem.


    Sorry for the late reply, please try adding this to the end of your .htaccess file:

    RedirectMatch permanent /([a-z0-9\-]+\/)[0-9\/]+ /$1

    Best regards,



    First this code is broken some urls and images of my site.

    Second its redirect and do not 404 header respond.

    Please read all my description at this topic and help me to solved this issue.

    thank you


    I researched this some more and I think it’s part of a pagination issue that the dev team has solved.
    They said to replace /enfold/framework/php/function-set-avia-frontend.php via ftp
    with this file
    please keep a backup of the original file while you test.
    Please let us know if this helps.

    Best regards,



    I replace with your file. but some page like don’t exist and show it instead of 404 page.

    Please see and tell me how solved this issues. it’s happen in your enfold demo 2017 at this link and you can see:

    Thank you,



    This behaviour you describe above also occurs when you use a standard WP Theme like 2019.

    – Activate the theme
    – Create a new page with only plain text inside (e.g. a-custom-normal-page)
    – Open the page (http://localhost/wp_demos/a-custom-normal-page)
    – Extend the URL with /page/52 (http://localhost/wp_demos/a-custom-normal-page/page/52/)
    – Open this link and you recieve 200 and the pagecontent
    – Use http://localhost/wp_demos/a-custom-normal-page/pages/52/
    – Open this link and you recieve 404 and the 404 page

    Using Enfold behaves similar, when you select a custom 404 you get the custom 404 page instead of default 404.

    I agree that this behaviour is strange – I will open an issue for that in our dev repo but I’m not sure if this is something we can solve. It seems that WP does not recognise this as 404 or it’s a bug in the routing of WP.

    Best regards,


    Thank you for your support
    I use custom 404 page in my WordPress test site but nothing change in /page/52/ and don’t show 404 page.

    This issue really bad for SEO. If enfold developer team can help it’s very good

    Thank you.



    As far as I’ve checked there is no (easy) solution for this problem:

    WP uses:

    /page/xx resp. &paged=xx

    Digging into the logic of WP:

    Archive pages

    These use the parameters and query the requested page. When using an out of range page number this returns no results and WP redirects to 404

    Single pages, posts, ….

    Using a valid page/post/…. always returns a result.
    The page parameters are ignored by the WP query (as they make no sense in case of a single page) and can be used by the content, e.g. ALB blog post element.
    The page content is displayed – elements of the content can return results or not depending on page parameter. But this is done during rendering the content (and after output of headers).
    A 404 would only be possible with rerouting and must be handled from the element.

    If you check you get an empty content for the blog post element – The page exists, but part of the page has an empty content.

    I keep the issue open in our dev repo.


    After talking to Kriesi:

    As this behaviour is the standard behaviour of WP we do not intend to change this in core.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Günter.

    Thank you for your support.
    I checked some site using WordPress and see the pagination work prefect and extra page don’t exist return 404 status code.
    sample site:
    how can this work if standard behavior of WP!?

    Thank you.



    This is because this is a blog page query multiple posts.


    Returns same as and not 404.
    As I explained before.

    An ALB page is a page and not a blog page – WP ignores the pageing parameter in this case. Using a blog post element is part of the content of the page and not of the main WP query.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Günter.

    I understand then is any way solved this problem? because it’s not good for seo according to my SEO Specialist said to me. or i should to contact with WordPress core developer?

    Thank you.



    If this can be fixed it must me done in WordPress core. So contacting WP is certainly a good idea.

    Best regards,

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