Upon migrating, the following error started to appear on top of all pages: Warning: Missing argument 1 for get_post(), called in /home/storage/d/5b/8e/step111/public_html/sitept/wp-content/themes/enfold/framework/php/function-set-avia-frontend.php on line 128 and defined in /home/storage/d/5b/8e/step111/public_html/sitept/wp-includes/post.php on line 380
Also, this same error appears on the admin of WordPress. And the result is that I can’t edit posts, pages, widgets. In short, the dashboard is blocked.
Can anybody help, please?
Edit wp-contentthemesenfoldframeworkphp function-set-avia-frontend.php, find this code on line 128:
$post = get_post();
Replace it with:
$post = get_post( $id );
I’m honestly not sure if this is the proper way to fix it but it works.I already asked this question myself to Kriesi and the rest of the support team. Let me tag them.
Does WordPress allow you to do anything ? Can you add a plugin, change something in settings like permalinks or site name?
How did you migrate the database?