Tagged: header
Hey guys,
I need to have 4 logos in the header.
To do it I tried disabling the header of all my pages and built my own header and menu with the layout editor. That worked well and I achived what I wanted.
The problem is that I just realized that there are some pages in my site that need to display a Breadcrumb Navigation and since the header is disabilited the breadcrums are gone too.
I am wondering what can I do and I would like to know if there is possibly to have a header with 4 logos in my site. Maybe editing the php?
This is what I achive and what I wonder if its possible to do editing the header:
Another option could be if there is anyway to display de breadcrums without a header.
This is what I achive and what I wonder if its possible to do editing the header:
his is what I achive and what I wonder if its possible to do editing the header: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/57223972/Captura%20de%20pantalla%202016-11-03%20a%20las%208.11.57.png
Thank you!