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  • #24517

    Hi there

    For the past week I have been trawling this forum and the web for a solution to this theme not uploading, maybe I missed something. This is what I’ve done so far:

    Tried uploading the zipped folder directly into WordPress, it doesn’t load.

    Unpacked the files from the zipped folder

    Using blue FTP, tried copying the unpacked enfold folder into the themes folder, the upload does not complete and therefore the theme does not work. The upload seems to stop at the same point every time, even if I use a different pc, I thought it might have been a firewall issue, so I have disabled the firewall, still no luck.

    The upload gets stuck after this file has been installed :


    So the rest of the folders are not installed

    Can anyone please help me, I am very frustrated.




    Do you have Enfold 1.6? Please download the theme again. Maybe the files are corrupted.

    Please watch this video:



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