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  • #937846

    I tried to migrate my site created into a subfolder of the domain at the root of the site. I copied my files in www, I modified the paths of the site in the database,
    but I encountered a difficulty:
    – all the parameters present in ENFOLD CHILD have not been saved.
    I do not understand how this is possible since it is the goal to have a child theme …
    I reinstalled an OVH backup to put everything back in place.
    Thanks for your reply


    Hey chalbo73,

    Maybe you could try to use a plugin like Duplicator or WP Migrate DB to see if that works better?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard
    Thanks for your feedback, the problem has been fixed with the Search-Replace-DB-master script to modify the database.
    Will you confirm that all the parameters entered in ENFOLD CHILD will not be deleted during updates of the theme and version of wordpress? cordially



    Great, glad you got it working. Your child theme will stay as it is since only the parent will be updated on updates. Having said that, you should always have proper backups of your site in case something should go wrong.

    Best regards,


    Ok thanks, you can close the discussion



    Great, thanks for letting us know. Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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