Hello Enfold Team,
First of all, thanks for this forum and the moderators, I have been using your theme for a year and never had to send one message so far!
However I cant find an answer to a question related to the Cookies Features.
I would like to only display the consent messages for cookies to visitors within Europe or California (via a geo targeting/IP ?).
Some paid plugin are offering this features, but as you already provide an advanced cookies management feature, I was wondering if there is a way to have it implement directly with Enflod ? For EU/Californian visitors show consent message bar, for rest of the world don’t display the consent message.
Thanks a lot,
Hey InnovGrp,
Thank you for the inquiry.
This should be possible but adding this kind of feature is beyond the scope of support. You can look at this library or extension to get the country of the client based on the IP address.
// https://www.php.net/manual/en/book.geoip.php
You can then edit the handler_wp_footer_cookie_consent_bar function in the enfold/includes/helper-privacy.php and set the conditions accordingly.
Best regards,