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  • #212640

    Foremost, Enfold is amazing. Great work & Thank You very much…

    I’m having some difficulty adjusting the line height inside the cells of a ‘Pricing Row’ of a ‘Pricing Table’ I’ve created…
    Pricing Table Trouble
    I would like to reduce the vertical space between the dollar amount and “per cleaning”

    [av_cell col_style='avia-center-col']$99<span class="pricingTable_perCleaning">per cleaning</span>[/av_cell]
    [av_cell col_style='avia-center-col']$119<span class="pricingTable_perCleaning">per cleaning</span>[/av_cell]


    	font-size: 0.2em; 
    	line-height: 0.2em !important; /* BROKEN */
    	font-weight: normal;

    I’m hoping you could provide a solution as I haven’t been able to find any suggestions & everything I’ve tried thus far has failed.
    Thanks in advance!


    Hi Erik!

    Can you post a link to the pricing table please?

    Best regards,


    Unfortunately not Dude, (LoL)

    I’ve just recently began development and the site is being hosted locally via WAMP at the moment.



    Ok, please try to reduce the padding bottom/top with

    padding-bottom: 5px;
    padding-top: 5px;

    Best regards,

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