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  • #29311

    I have a table with 2 columns. One is the highlighted column and the other a regular column. How can I style the regular column to be a different background color than the highlighted?

    I’ve been playing with the CSS for the last while, but I can’t get specific enough to only affect one column or the other. I could use the theme settings to set the left regular column to gray, then overwrite the highlighted column to be a brighter color. That’s my idea, but I can’t get the right selectors.

    Here’s the page for now: (won’t be available after 9/12/13. Use the screencast link above to see an image)



    Try this code:

    .pricing-table.avia-center-col .avia-heading-row, .pricing-table.avia-center-col .avia-pricing-row{

    background: red !important;


    Change red for the desired color.




    Awesome! Thanks Josue.

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