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  • #581831

    Hi guys!

    I´m having some trouble when editing products with the Custom Product 1 template. As it is shown in your demo, inside the product purchase button box you can see the price ( ), but in my shop I couldn´t figure out how to do this (you cant edit settings in the purchase button box). Now, clients would have to add the product to his cart and then check the cart to see the price. In addition, the related products at the bottom are not showing, and instead there is a sidebar I don´t know how to remove.

    Can you help me, please?
    Thank you!!


    Hi Loic84,

    Did you select to not show a sidebar on the page in question? If you should have further problems then please send us admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look.



    Thanks for your reply. In the avia editor custom product pages there is no sidebar option. However, my main concern is about the price not showing in the purchase button as I mentioned before.


    I give you my login details in a private reply.



    The product in the demo is a variable type product, that’s why you can see the price. If you set the product type to simple, you have to add the price using a text or code block. Or modify the product button shortcode to display the product price by default:

    Best regards,


    I have realised what the problem is. If I change the product_snippet_button.php file in the parent theme it works just perfectly. The problem is that i don´t know how to place it in the child theme (I have tried the root folder and also repeating the same structure than in the parent theme, with no results). How should I place the modified file in the child theme?

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Loic84.

    Hi, did you close the thread? Should I start a new one with my question about the child theme?




    unfortunately it won’t be possible to put it into child theme. You would need to add some custom code into your functions.php. Feel free to hire a freelance developer for this job, as it would be out of our support scope.


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