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  • #1052355

    Hi guys!
    I’ve read about a lot of problems with the preview function. Is there a solution? I need the preview function. It is existential for me.

    I see the changes only if I publish the page. But if it’s in the draft mode, I see no changes.

    Please help.

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi bestguitars,

    Please try using ctrl+f5 on the preview page, it seems to be a caching issue in most cases.

    Best regards,


    It doesn’t help. Try it yourself please. you have all credentials. It doesn’t work even with no plugins, with new installation, with cache deleted, several browsers etc.

    Please try to preview “startseite-1” without publishing it.



    Thanks for the update, though the login details are not working. Please check and verify.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    people, please help! I cannot work!!!

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by bestguitars.


    Thanks for that, I was able to login now. What happens if you select the Classic Editor in the Select Your Editor option on the main page of the theme options?

    Best regards,


    Hi! I hoped you would tell :)
    Unfortunately nothing happens. The classic editor is active now but the problem is still there.
    According to the topics it seems to be a known problem. Please find a solution.


    Sorry for the late reply, this is a open bug that the dev team is working on, we are unsure when it will be solved. It’s pretty technical, but basically WordPress doesn’t use the alb template when previewing a unpublished post.
    For now the best solution we can offer is to publish your post and view it, then change the status of it if you don’t want it published.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Sorry for the late reply, I have asked for additional input on this but have not had any solutions yet. But like I said it’s an open bug right now.
    I don’t follow your logic as to why you need a second development environment, most maintenance plugins will secure your posts and pages from non-logged in users no matter if you publish a page or post. Also secure your site with the .htaccess file to restrict all access to a few ip addresses. You can also develop on one domain and then move to another domain for the final install, if that is what your thinking.
    Unfortunately due to our license with Envato we can not sell or give away licenses to the theme, the only time we can offer a discount is when it is to the general public on the Theme Forest sales page. We also can not offer bulk licenses.
    So sorry for this inconvenience, but we look forward to assisting with any other question you may have.

    Best regards,



    Has this bug in Enfold been fixed yet? I’m experiencing the same problem of Preview not working for unpublished pages.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by JoeSurf.

    Sorry, our dev team has isolated the issue but yet doesn’t have a final solution for it. Thank you for your patience.

    Best regards,


    I am having the same issue here.
    I also noticed that erasing the html code on the Default Editor would not delete the content elements in the Advanced layout editor and vice versa. So maybe that’s where the problem is, there is no connection/communication between the default editor or the advanced editor so any changes made in either of them are visible in the preview.
    Please let me know when the bug is fixed or if there is something else I could try.


    Hi mnbento,

    Please open a new thread and include WordPress admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look at your site.

    Best regards,



    we also do have this Problem at the moment, still buggy?



    Hi Vangone,

    Please open a new thread and include WordPress admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look at your site.

    Best regards,

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