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  • #870433

    We have had a lot of problem with unclickable buttons in the admin interface, turns out it is the drag-n-drop feature that prevents the click from beeing handled correctly.

    With a simple cancel : “a” in the params of the function activate_element_dragging links is not handled as dragg handles.


    appendTo: "body",
    handle: '>.menu-item-handle:not( .av-no-drag-drop .menu-item-handle )',
    helper: "clone",
    scroll: true,
    zIndex: 20000, /*must be bigger than fullscreen overlay in fixed pos*/
    cursorAt: { left: 20 },
    start: function( event, ui )


    appendTo: "body",
    handle: '>.menu-item-handle:not( .av-no-drag-drop .menu-item-handle )',
    cancel: "a",
    helper: "clone",
    scroll: true,
    zIndex: 20000, /*must be bigger than fullscreen overlay in fixed pos*/
    cursorAt: { left: 20 },
    start: function( event, ui )

    Hey fristil,

    Thank you for sharing :) Can you post the versions of WordPress and Enfold too, please?

    Best regards,


    The current page where this was made is wordpress 4.8.2 and enfold 4.1.2
    but we have had this issue for a long time.



    Thanks a lot for sharing, though I think it’s something local on your installation since you are the first customer reporting this as far as I know. Are you ok with using this solution?

    Best regards,


    No i have seen this on every installation of enfold i have encountered so far. However this is only been an issue with one customer since her mouse setup was very twitchy. For other users it only occurs from time to time when the mouse is moved at the same time as clicking.

    I don’t rely like this solution since i have altered the core file in the theme and this will be overwritten in the next theme update done on the page.

    But looking at how WordPress handle drag and drop (tried on the same installation, on the dashboard view) it do not allow drag and drop on the minimize-maximize button. Even Microsoft windows 10 do not allow drag on the close, maximize & minimize window buttons.
    Ui in the enfold editor shows an pointing hand and not the drag and drop 4 arrows icon on these buttons.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by fristil.


    Thank you for reporting this problem. I could reproduce it on my install and I agree, this is not a good behaviour.

    Adding your proposed cancel option was a good hint. I added a pull request to our repo to fix this issue, so it should be in the next update.

    Best regards,


    Gr8 Ty



    Enjoy the theme and have a nice day.

    If you need further assistance please open a new thread.

    Best regards,

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