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  • #430926

    Hey there, hope you’re well today..!

    Please it is possible for you to implement something like the following code inside your Combo-Widget to prevent the comments-section to show ActionScheduler-entries? It’s tested and seems to work nice.. Thank You and best regards

    Path —> /enfold/framework/php/class-framework-widgets.php

    if (!function_exists('avia_get_comment_list'))
    	function avia_get_comment_list($avia_new_query)
    		$time_format = apply_filters( 'avia_widget_time', get_option('date_format')." - ".get_option('time_format'), 'avia_get_comment_list' );
    		global $avia_config;
    		$comments = get_comments($avia_new_query);
    		if(!empty($comments)) :
    		echo '<ul class="news-wrap">';
    		foreach($comments as $comment)
    			if ($comment->comment_author != 'ActionScheduler')
    				$gravatar_alt = esc_html($comment->comment_author);
    				echo '<li class="news-content">';
    				echo "<a class='news-link' title='".get_the_title($comment->comment_post_ID)."' href='".get_comment_link($comment)."'>";
    				echo "<span class='news-thumb'>";
    				echo get_avatar($comment,'48', '', $gravatar_alt);
    				echo "</span>";
    				echo "<strong class='news-headline'>".avia_backend_truncate($comment->comment_content, 55," ");
    					echo "<span class='news-time'>".get_comment_date($time_format, $comment->comment_ID)." ".__('by','avia_framework')." ".$comment->comment_author."</span>";
    				echo "</strong>";
    				echo "</a>";
    				echo '</li>';
    		echo "</ul>";

    Hey Bruno!

    You can add all of that to a child theme functions.php file so you do not have to redo it on each update.

    Best regards,


    Hey Elliot!

    Sure I can do this, but I think it’s an improvement for other users too, if there are no tasks from ActionScheduler inside their comment-widget. So I think it’s better just to implement it inside the theme itself..?

    Thank you, best regards,




    You can request for the feature and if enough votes are met, maybe, we can can add it in the future updates:



    Hello Ismael,

    I’m a little bit confused now. This isn’t a feature request. I’ve sent you a fix for a given problem. I don’t think that anybody need messages from WordPress-ActionScheduler inside it`s comment-widget.
    Inside ActionScheduler-Messages there are Infos about payments (Woo Subscriptions) or messages from sent emails to clients with Follow-Up-Emails and Sensei.

    Thank you, best regards.



    I’m not sure what you mean by “WordPress-ActionScheduler”. Is it this plugin?

    Is this related?

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Elliott.


    I think Scheduled Actions are very similar to cron-jobs. You can use them in plugins with

    <?php wp_schedule_event($timestamp, $recurrence, $hook, $args); ?>

    Woo – Subscriptions and Woo – Follow up Emails use them to handle their recurring actions.

    If you install a plugin with this hook, below your “Tools” – Tab in the admin menu automatically appears a new section called “Scheduled Tabs”. It’s a new posttype similar to comments, but as you can see in the screenshot, they handle with sensitive datas.

    If you don’t filter them out in a similar way I described in my first post, they appear in your combo-widget and anybody can see them. I think no one want this.

    If you var_dump the output you can see that for every message the author for this widget is “ActionScheduler”. So I think it is a good way to filter them out.

    Thank you, best regards


    Here is a var_dump from one of it:

    $comments array (3)
     object stdClass {38}
    	public comment_ID -> string(4) "2975"
    	public comment_post_ID -> string(4) "2924"
    	public comment_author -> string(15) "ActionScheduler"
    	public comment_author_email -> string(0) ""
    	public comment_author_url -> string(0) ""
    	public comment_author_IP -> string(0) ""
    	public comment_date -> string(19) "2015-04-21 19:08:58"
    	public comment_date_gmt -> string(19) "2015-04-21 17:08:58"
    	public comment_content -> string(14) "action created"
    	public comment_karma -> string(1) "0"
    	public comment_approved -> string(1) "1"
    	public comment_agent -> string(15) "ActionScheduler"
    	public comment_type -> string(10) "action_log"
    	public comment_parent -> string(1) "0"
    	public user_id -> string(1) "0"
    	public ID -> string(4) "2924"
    	public post_author -> string(1) "0"
    	public post_date -> string(19) "2015-04-30 15:06:39"
    	public post_date_gmt -> string(19) "2015-04-30 13:06:39"
    	public post_content -> string(45) "{"user_id":21,"subscription_key":"2880_2763"}"
    	public post_title -> string(30) "scheduled_subscription_payment"
    	public post_excerpt -> string(0) ""
    	public post_status -> string(7) "pending"
    	public comment_status -> string(4) "open"
    	public ping_status -> string(4) "open"
    	public post_password -> string(0) ""
    	public post_name -> string(0) ""
    	public to_ping -> string(0) ""
    	public pinged -> string(0) ""
    	public post_modified -> string(19) "2015-04-30 15:06:39"
    	public post_modified_gmt -> string(19) "2015-04-30 13:06:39"
    	public post_content_filtered -> string(0) ""
    	public post_parent -> string(1) "0"
    	public guid -> string (68) " …"
    	public menu_order -> string(1) "0"
    	public post_type -> string(16) "scheduled-action"
    	public post_mime_type -> string(0) ""
    	public comment_count -> string(1) "1"


    It seems like it’s plugin related though. We flagged this for Kriesi so please wait to hear from him.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Elliott.

    Sure it’s plugin related. They create a new sort of comments.

    Thank you and best regards


    will add your solution to the next update ;)
    Best regards,

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