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  • #591139

    On the homepage I have two blog page builder elements each displaying different categories.

    The problem is the pagination does not work on either. When you press a page number the page refreshes, but the blog posts do not advance.

    After troubleshooting (looking at server error logs, wp begug, browser errors, one blog element not two, grid verses other layout, etc.) it seems to a problem only when the blog element is used on the home page.

    I discovered this after manually making a duplicate of the home page to eliminate any issues with the page. Pagination worked fine. So I figured it was something specific to the home page. I took the test page and turned it into the homepage, set it as home in WP and Enfold, etc. Unfortunately, the pagination stopped working.

    I only have a homepage defined in WP Reading and Enfold admin. There is not page assigned to blogs.

    WP and Enfold are current the only plugin that is not current is Formidable Forms.

    BUG #2
    On my non-homepage, the test page I discovered that with two blog page builder elements on the same page, the pagination of one follows the other. For example, if I advance to page 5 on one posts refresh to page 5 on both.


    Hey hookedonweb!

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    This is the default WP’s pagination behaviour. It is recommended not to put two elements with pagination on the same page. Replace the second blog post element with a post slider or disable the pagination.

    Best regards,


    Please read my post again. It happens with one element, but as I said in my post two elements on the same page work fine unless it’s on the home page.

    In my post you will find two links demonstrating the behaviour.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by hookedonweb.


    This is the default WP’s pagination behaviour. It is recommended not to put two elements with pagination on the same page.

    I checked the test page and there are two elements with pagination enabled. Please remove the other blog posts element because the pagination query will affect both elements. It’s not recommended to add two elements with pagination on the same page. If you need to create a dedicated pagination for each element, please hire a freelance developer:

    Best regards,


    You’re not reading my posts carefully.

    I have stated that the problem is isolated to the home page and it does not matter is there are two blog elements on the page.

    Two blog elements work fine in terms of advanced one or more pages on any page with two blog elements as long as it’t not the home page.

    Right now the home page has a single blog element and you can not advance the pages. So blows up your theory, especially when the psts advance with two blog elements on any page other than the home page.

    So please check the home page again as it just a single blog element.



    Sorry for the confusion. I’m just trying to point out that two elements with pagination in the same page will not work the way you expect it to. We will look into the pagination issue. Please wait for our response.

    UPDATE: The login credentials above are not working. Please check.


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