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  • #539990

    Hello! I’m really new to this,so I apologize for any misunderstanding.
    I’ve got a blog page in my website with different categories of posts, but I have also an other page with
    recipes in which I want to put other categories of posts according to my cooking categories.
    How can I manage this? Is it possible each category to be shown in different page?

    Thank you! NC


    Hi nikolascook!

    You can create as many pages as you want and add our blog posts element to display posts from certain categories.



    Hi Elliot!

    Ok,I create another page and now how can I make the blog post element to be displayed in this specific page?
    Sorry if my question is silly but i’m really new to all this world!

    Thank you! NC


    Ok,i got what you said! There is no need to answer to my last question!
    Thank you!

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