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  • #1283828

    Hi there,

    we are using the postcontent element a lot for global elements to just edit them once. most of the time its just one color section with some columns and content. now i wonder, since the content of global elements are used on either main- or alternate-color, how to change the background-color of content of postcontent element?

    To be more specific, an example: I created a page with a color-section, columns and content. On another page i implement this page with postcontent element. the same page will be also on other pages, but needs to be on alternate color section as well.

    how to do that? i don’t want to have two pages with main- and alternate-color, since i would need to edit them twice everytime.


    Hey Pixel_Production,

    Sorry for the late reply. You would need custom CSS in order to achieve that, please post links to the pages in question, if you should need help with the CSS.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    what excactly do you mean? the postcontent doesnt have a custom class field…


    So how could i add a custom class to the postcontent element? i guess that would do the trick …


    Hi Pixel_Production,

    Could you please give us a link to your website, we need more context to be able to help you.

    Could you please attach a mockup of what you’re trying to achieve?

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    let me try to explain it in more detail:
    We are using the postcontent element in avia layout architect to place an element (well its actually a page) on different pages. So we create a new page, lets call this page “our services”, setting up our color section, columns and content and save it. On other pages, we include this page “our services” with the postcontent element. We do this because we need this page “our services” on different pages, although the content is always the same. The advantage: if there are changes on the page “our services” we just need to edit it once.

    My problem:
    If i set up a page “our services”, i can give the color section a background-color depending on main or alternate settings. The problem is, that this page sometimes needs to be on main color, sometimes on alternate color. So i’am searching for a possibility to change the background color within the postcontent element. Setting up the page twice, for main and alternate, is not a good solution since we need to edit it twice everytime. A custom class would solve this problem, but since this element don’t have a custom class field i’am asking you gus.



    Edit: I don’t want to be rude, but i’am wating for almost 3 weeks for an answer. It’s getting urgent … :(



    Thanks for the update. Since you need different results on different pages, then a custom class wouldn’t help you much. You would need to use the page-id class, then followed by whatever the class or ID is for the section or element you are trying to target.

    If you can’t even provide us with a link to where we can see the elements in question, then this is all the help we can provide you with.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    all i need is a custom class field on the postcontent element. this class should add on first color section, since i’am only using one.
    is this possible?



    Thanks for the update. The page content element does not have any class or ID fields, since all it does it to get the content from a different page. If you need classes or IDs added in the content of the page you are fetching, then you would have to add them to those directly.

    If you are trying to target content on specific page, then it should be possible to do so without any special classes or IDs. If you need help with that, then we would need to see the actual content in question.

    Best regards,

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