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  • #343808

    Hi folks,

    I discovered a similar topic which allowed me to make some progress, but further comments were closed so I’m posting a follow-up.

    I’m seeking to relocate the Featured Image of a blog post below the Title (and date, author, etc.). A solution is provided which allows this to happen on SINGLE post pages, but I want to do this on the main Blog page and on Category/Archive pages which feature blog posts. Can you offer a solution which will create this behavior more widely?

    In my case, I’m using a child theme, so I can add something to the functions.php, or make a duplicate of any other file.

    I’ll put the site and password in the private section. Thanks for your help


    Hey Prescott!

    Try opening up /enfold/includes/loop-index.php and find lines 88 – 93,

    //echo preview image
    if(strpos($blog_style, 'big') !== false)
    	if($slider) $slider = '<a href="'.$link.'" title="'.$featured_img_desc.'">'.$slider.'</a>';
    	if($slider) echo '<div class="big-preview '.$blog_style.'">'.$slider.'</div>';

    And move them down to line 184 so they are just above this,

    // echo the post content
    echo '<div class="entry-content" '.avia_markup_helper(array('context' => 'entry_content','echo'=>false)).'>';
    echo $content;
    echo '</div>';

    Since your using a child theme you should be able to copy the /includes/ folder from enfold into your child theme folder and then do the edit to the index-loop.php file.

    Let us know if that works for you.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by Elliott.

    Thanks Elliott, that worked like a charm.

    I hadn’t really dug into the finer points of customizing such as modifying the loop (and all the styles) because I’m still looking forward to launching on Monday and working on getting the big things right. But this is very helpful to known where, exactly, I can find details like this.

    I’m afraid I have another similar question which may or may not be related, so if you need me to post a new thread, that’s fine.

    One one of my pages, I have some blog excerpts. The text and title appears correctly, but I’d like to feature the entire post through the “Read More” marker, with all links active and with the [audio] player included. Is it possible to create a sort of “enhanced excerpt”?



    Do you mean you are wanting to make it so the excerpt displays the entire post but inside a toggle with “Read More” text? Unfortunately that would take a lot of time and code and would have to be considered custom work. If your wanting to hire someone to do this for you then you can use this form,

    Best regards,


    I managed to find a tutorial which allowed me to incorporate links and lengthening the excerpts, but I couldn’t figure out how to include [audio] elements, and to stop when the <!–more–> tag appears. I’ll get in touch with some friends who already instructed me to use Custom Fields. It’ll take me a while, but I’m good for now.

    Basically all I want to do is display the posts the way they are on an archive/category. The only difference is that there would only be one post instead of 10 per page. You can see it this in action under the Podcast page on my site (use login credentials on the top of this thread). Scroll down to the “Latest Episode” section. I’d like to have that show everything up to the <!–more–> break.

    Onwards and upwards.



    So on the latest post with the big preview image the <!–more–> tag is not working? Go ahead and take a screenshot and highlight what your trying to do so we can get a better idea.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by Elliott.

    Screenshots with annotations.



    In this case you will need to set a custom excerpt when editing your post. The custom excerpt field should display near the bottom of your post but if you do not see it then click on Screen Options in the top right hand corner and check it to display.


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