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  • #1444986

    Hi! I’d like to display a video instead of the featured image in a Post Slider. I’d like to be able to click to play the video right there rather than jumping to the individual post page. I thought I could do this by choosing the Video category on the post, but for some reason, the video doesn’t appear. Just a blank background and the video icon.

    Can you look into for me?


    can you try this solution:

    but i guess it is only for portfolios …

    see the comment:

    Link portfolio item to external URL
    You can add a link to any (external) page here.
    If you add a link to a video that video will open in a lightbox

    for posts you then had to set the format to “link”


    by the way: vimeo and youtube now offers for a while gif creation for preview.
    That gif ( up to 8s ) should not be to big in dimension ( f.e.: 260px width) – you can use it as featured images.

    and click on “Excerpt” post


    I was hoping that the videos would play with sound right there in the “preview image”, but this will work too.



    I was hoping that the videos would play with sound right there in the “preview image”,

    There is no option for this by default, unfortunately. You’ll have to use the lightbox or use the default redirect to the single portfolio pages.

    Best regards,


    if you have sound on that video – There will be (for the lightbox video) a button ( if you set muted ) to activate sound – or if you set without muted – the vimeo video will play with sound!
    on the preview videos it will make no sence – if there are more than one Video. – Real cacophony

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