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  • #584063


    My portfolio page hasn’t the button to browse next product and pre product at the current category, the post pre and post next function is only show the products in accordance with the order of post. It would be weird when someone browsing the category A and then turn to category B by clicking the post pre or next button.
    Could you help me to set it not to across the categories? Looking forward to your reply,thanks.



    Hey Enffie!

    Please add following code to Functions.php file in Appearance > Editor

    add_filter('avia_post_nav_categories', 'use_same_category_filter');
    function use_same_category_filter($same_category)
    $same_category = true;
    return $same_category;

    Best regards,



    Thanks for your help. But it doesn’t work after adding the code, could you please help to check? Please find private content for the login info.



    Thanks for the details but we will need a URL as well, could you post that as well please?




    Sorry for my mistake! Please see in private content:



    Sorry for my mistake! Please see in private content:


    i got this code for it:

    it is only missing the [‘same_category’] rule

    so this might work:

    add_filter('avia_post_nav_categories', 'use_same_category_filter');
    function use_same_category_filter($same_category)
    $same_category['same_category'] = true;
    return $same_category;

    i suppose its because of filtername Yigit has forgotten it (to similar so he thought he has set it)

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Guenni007.


    Thanks for your suggestion, but it is not working after I add the code to Functions.php



    but we are talking about child-theme functions.php ? this is correct ?



    Yes, I have tried functions.php both enfold and child enfold, but it still doesn’t work.



    are you using any caching plugin? (W3TC or WP Super Cache etc.)
    if – clear cache:

    i use this code for it:

    add_filter( 'avia_post_nav_settings', 'enfold_customization_same_cat' );
    function enfold_customization_same_cat( $s ) {
        $s['same_category'] = true;
      return $s;

    but it is the same as above with different custom function names


    Hi Enffie,

    Did you manage to get your problem solved? If not then please let us know and we’ll have a closer look.



    Hi Rikard,

    Not yet. I am still waiting for you to help. :)
    Please use the login ID I mentioned above.
    Thank you!



    And please tell us what it was – the code above works on all my installations.





    We modified the code a bit but I think it’s not going to work the way you expect because the portfolio items contain the same category (ex:”hot-sale-products”) aside from their main category. For example:

    These two items belong to different categories but since they share the same category (“hot-sale-products”), the navigation will still filter through these items because technically they belong to the same category (“hot-sale-products”).

    This is the modified code:

    add_filter('avia_post_nav_settings', 'avia_post_nav_settings_mod');
    function avia_post_nav_settings_mod($settings)
      if(is_singular('portfolio')) {
           $settings['taxonomy'] = 'portfolio_entries';
    	$settings['same_category'] = true;
    	return $settings;

    Best regards,


    aha – that was the gist of the matter



    I see. If you could solve this problem that would be great. But anyway, besides the hot sale products, I have got the way what I expect.
    Thank you!


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