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  • #540241

    I think my problem appeared after I updated the theme but I am not sure.
    Anyway now the image and the below part of my posts with the possibility to reply, number of replies etc. have disappeared. All meta blog elements in “Blog Layout” are checked. See below links – first link is an example of how things have disappeared, second link is a game post and here everything is ok.


    Hey Mette Juul!

    can you please try to reuplaod the theme through ftp and let us know if that works better for you?

    Thanks a lot



    I don’t understand what to do. I use a child theme. Should I reupload the update for the theme (where do I find it, I uploaded the update from the theme panel?) or the original theme which is not updated??? I am really not confident to do so as I am quite new at wordpress… Any other solutions I could try?…


    I think I did what you suggested. I downloaded the original enfold theme folder from envato and via filezilla I uploaded the “old” version of the theme and thereby overwrote the recently updated version. File transfer was succesful. Then I chekked my wordpress installation and:

    1) The problem is still there and apparently has nothing to do with the update, normal posts still show without image, count, possibility to reply etc.

    2) Although filetransfer was succesful with the old version, “Theme Update” in Enfold Child tells; “No Updates available. You are running the latest version! (3.4.3)” – I would have expected the system to recognize this is now the former version which need to be updated?

    Below I put login details – could you please check and fix it so my posts again show as they should?


    Best regards,



    The post was created in the advance layout builder. http://gameblogger.dk/wp-admin/post.php?post=518&action=edit

    All default elements such as the featured image, post meta info, comments etc will be removed when you use the advance layout builder for posts. You will have a blank canvas to work with. Use the image element for the featured image, the comment element for discussions etc. Unfortunately, there is no element available for the post meta info. You have to use either a code or a text block.

    Best regards,


    Thanks a lot, I would never have guessed to test this my self! :-)
    I still have 2 problems though – see below test post link in private content.

    1) Why does “transparent and glassy” header not work now when choosing default layout builder?
    2) I absolutely can’t find the place to choose post format (video, audio, gallery etc.) in this posts?

    Best regards,



    1.) The transparent header option is working when I checked the post. If you’re wondering why the content is below the header, that is actually the default behavior. It works better if you add a slider or a color section with background. You can also add a separator or whitespace element to push the content downwards. Or use the Quick CSS field to apply a top margin in the main container.

    2.) It’s the box in the right side of the editor below “Ugdiv” or Publish box.



    Thank you very much!

    1) But why is there this white colour overlay over my header section with a background image when I have chosen transparent and glassy header? On all my other pages the backround image in the header stands clear with no colour overlay?

    2) I am so sorry but the box below “Udgiv/publish” is “Kategorier/categories”. There is no box where I can choose post format?…I have looked and looked and looked….

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by MetteDenmark.


    1.) This is default behavior for transparent and glassy header. Show us what you want to achieve instead and we try to provide you some css code. You can add screenshots/mockups to imgur.com or dropbox.

    2.) hm? it clearly shows up for me:



    Thanks a lot for helping out!

    1) I would like the header to be like on my other pages with custom background image without colour overlay like this:

    2) This format box does not show up which is so strange, look at this screenshot!

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by MetteDenmark.


    1.) We need a link as well please, to be able to inspect the elements (both from the header which does not work and the on which works fine).

    2.) It does show up for me when I logg into your backend. Make sure you edit a post and not a page.
    Click on “Screen option” on the upper right screen and make sure “Format” is checked.



    1) See links below in private section

    2) Problem solved thanks to you and I am VERY grateful – screen option with “format” unchecked, beginners mistake… :-)

    Best regards,



    when you edit the page with header which does not work scroll down and look on the right side for “Header visibility and transparency”. Choose “No transparency”, then it should behave like your other pages.


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