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  • #453121

    So i need to get some things straight.

    If i use the standard editor (NOT the Advanced Layout Builder) the system will use the single.php to make my post appear. correct?

    If i use ALB then i will have to do everything on my own?

    If the above is correct then:

    – I see that for sharing i have a component to enter.

    But what about related posts and comments? If i want a custom ALB page for single post but with comments and related post , what i would have to do?

    So to clarify what file is being used in the following cases:

    1) Normal post with standard editor
    2)Normal post with ALB
    3) Custom Post type with Standard editor
    4) Custom post type with ALB

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by earthdog.

    Hi earthdog!

    First of all, thx a lot for using our themes, we do appreciate that a lot.

    The Builder can be used to design your web site elements, but not to over-writte the WordPress function.

    That sayed, if you want to use the layout builder for creating the single element you can, but you will not have any dynamic content, you will have to add it as a textfield.

    Let me know if that is covering your question.



    Eisai ellhnas? :)

    So can you be a little more specific?

    From what you say and in regards to my questions?

    1) will use the standard template WP hierarchy.
    2) Will use the template-builder.php ?
    3) Standard WP hierarchy
    4) ?



    Please see –
    You can add Comments element to your page and any element to display your related posts manually just as you do with Social Share Buttons :)



    I see, but is it possible to just tell us what files the system is using in any case? I mean i found out out about template-builder.php by luck and i cant find the reference any more. that’s why i am interested.



    But what about related posts and comments? If i want a custom ALB page for single post but with comments and related post , what i would have to do?

    There’s a Comments element, no Related Posts elements yet. You could mimic one using Portfolio/Blog element (with Offset set)

    To answer your cases question:
    1) Normal post with standard editor – single.php
    2 ) Normal post with ALB – template-builder.php
    3) Custom Post type with Standard editor – single-{post_type_slug}.php
    4) Custom post type with ALB – template-builder.php


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