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  • #448084


    I need a custom button link to another page where the social icons can be placed, is it possible ?

    We have a business in two different cities and we have separate website for them, we want to be able to have clear button/link to the other website on each site.


    Hi Paul!

    Maybe you could try to put it in a widget?




    Worked nicely to get a widget area to the header, is there a way i can get add button to a widget area like the buttons i can add to a page ?

    I would like the same design.


    Ok i forgot i could use a shortcode for the button and just use text/html widget.

    Question regarding the custom css

    #header .widget {
      left: 50%;
      padding-top: 0;
      position: absolute;
      top: 0;
      transform: translate(-50%);

    I figured out how to position it up/down and left/right with % values to top and left.

    What does the transform value do and the position ?

    Also when adding this how does it affect the mobile site ?

    I can’t see the button (which is good) but i just want to make sure it doesn’t scew up anything on the mobile site.

    Site is located here:
    It’s the green button to the top right that is added.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by paullindqvist.


    The translate method moves the element from its current position. You can test it here:

    In that case, you don’t actually need the transform property. Where do you want to position the widget? The left and top property should be enough in order to adjust the position of the widget element.

    Best regards,


    Thanx! Just wanted to know the function, i got it positioned where i want it.

    Thanx again!



    Great! Let us know if you need anything else. :)


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