My portfolio works and looks great on desktop-sized screens, but the experience isn’t quite as a nice on mobile. Is it possible to render the portfolio sort options as a drop-down when on mobile-sized screens?
Hey paepke19,
Can we please see your web site? :)
Best regards,
It’s really more of a theoretical question. If you want an example of the sort options, go to
What I’m asking if it is is possible to turn the sort options “All”, “Print Design”, “Video Editing”, and “Web-Design” in to a drop down menu (html select menu). My web site has quite a few more sort options, which is why I’m interested in this.
It’s possible but it would require some work and a rewrite of our sorting function (on the php level and maybe on the javascript level too). This task is beyond the scope of our support forum however you can hire a developer to do customize the code for you.
Best regards,