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  • #1235545

    Hey there,
    I have added a Custom ID to the Table Element. When I switch the purpose to “Use the table to display tabular data” the Custom ID is no longer added to the element. Below is the code that is outputted on the front end after I have added a Custom ID.
    I am on the most current version of Enfold and WordPress. Can you take a test on one of your installations for me?

    <div class="avia-data-table-wrap avia_responsive_table">
    <table class="avia-table avia-data-table avia-table-1  avia-builder-el-18  el_after_av_textblock  el_before_av_toggle_container  avia_pricing_default " itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="https://schema.org/Table">
    <tr class="avia-heading-row">
    <th class=""></th>
    <th class="">Lodge and Luxury Tented (USD)</th>
    <th class="">Budget Friendly Camping (USD)</th></tr>
    <tr class=""><td class="">2 PAX</td><td class="">$695/person</td><td class="">$585/person</td></tr>
    <tr class=""><td class="">4 PAX</td><td class="">$515/person</td><td class="">$435/person</td></tr>
    <tr class=""><td class="">6 PAX</td><td class="">$460/person</td><td class="">$385/person</td></tr>

    Hey dustingrof,

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look?

    Sometimes we get customers saying they are on the latest and in reality they are using a very old version, it’s just that WordPress is telling them it’s the current version.


    I can reproduce it on my end. I will report the issue to our devs.

    Thank you for bringing this up.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Victoria.

    Custom ID : you did read this carefully: “Use with caution, be sure to have a unique value on the page and also make sure to only use allowed characters (latin characters, underscores, dashes and numbers, no special characters can be used).”

    Edit: i can confirm that only on normal ( not pricing tables the ID is missing)

    Edit ( no on my side your html code works – and there is not custom ID in it )
    so this is not the reason for your problem:
    i think that you are using the dollar symbol that is a code symbol too like greater than or less than.
    There is a little plugin written by Günter to have these special characters in the content without breaking the layout: avia-special-characters

    little description: https://kriesi.at/support/topic/problem-with-hyphens/#post-1179376

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Guenni007.

    here is a corrected table.php file:
    See: Link
    Download: DL-Link

    added code to line 538 the missing : {$meta['custom_el_id']}

    on the line 465 it is already there




    Thanks for sharing the fix.

    Will be added to next release – should come in the next days (as WP 5.5 is close to release).

    Best regards,

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