I am have been playing about with the position of colorbar (from the Avia Layout Builder).
Seems like I can position it as a full width after header & before main content & sidebar.
Is there a way to position it as a full width before header? (after sidebar position)
I would like to use it to add some sort of tagline to my page.
No, it’s not possible to add any elements before the header or after the footer/socket area.
Sorry seems like my question was phrased wrongly.
I have managed to position it as full width after header (before main content & sidebar)
What I meant was, I am trying to position it as full width after main content & sidebar (before footer/socket).
I saw an older thread, seems like it can be done, but gotta add into functions.php as custom widget, than modify footer.php ?
Actually, you can do it on the Advance Layout Editor. Set your page to No Sidebar. Insert 3/4 column and 1/4 column. Place your content on the 3/4 column then add a Sidebar element inside the 1/4 column. Place the Color Section element at the bottom.
Hi thanks! It works! :D