Tagged: avia-caption-content, Slide Show
Dear support,
i have a problem with the position from .avia-caption-content in the full-width-slid-show.
I would like that the .avia-caption-content below the .avia-caption-title.
Sure, width css its possible! But than i must in every @media only screen adjust that.
Its this the only way for the solution?
Or have I missed something in my search?
I look any settings in FW-slider … but i dont find a setting for the .avia-caption-content text below .avia-caption-content
Can you pleas help me please?
Very big thank you for your help!
Hey strumpumpel,
Thank you for the inquiry.
I would like that the .avia-caption-content below the .avia-caption-title.
This is the default position of the title and caption, but it was altered using this css code:
#seowie .caption_framed .slideshow_caption .avia-caption-title {
top: 105px;
position: relative;
Please remove the css code, then temporarily disable the Enfold > Performance > File Compression settings.
Best regards,
Ahhh … thanks so much!!!
I look and change this!
Great fast help Ismael!
Regards strumpel